
La presente sezione contiene una selezione di documenti di interesse del settore (approfondimenti, studi, ricerche, statistiche) liberamente accessibili.

Ricerca avanzata
  • Decarbonising Aviation: Exploring the Consequences

    This report sets out the current implementation status of the main policies for decarbonising aviation and projects their impacts on aviation demand and CO2 emissions from 2019 to 2060 for three scenarios developed by the ITF - a "Baseline scenario" (continuation of the status quo, where only policies that are already adopted are reflected), a "High Ambition scenario" (co-ordinated efforts of governments, international regulators and the industry to heavily reduce aviation's CO2 emissions), and a "Net Zero Emissions scenario (NZE)" (further policy interventions that lead to a widespread adoption of SAFs and allow the aviation sector to reach net-zero emissions by 2060).
    International Transport Forum
  • GHG Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Transport

    The transport sector is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, posing substantial risks to both the environment and the economy.
    International Transport Forum
  • Annual Progress Report on Shipping Corridors

    The third edition of the Annual Progress Report on Green Shipping Corridors provides an overview of progress within green corridors in the three years since their emergence at COP26.
    Global Maritime Forum
  • SUPER YACHT: Il meglio del Made in Italy (formato pdf)

    In 47 pagine un anno di statistiche, approfondimenti, interviste esclusive, grafici, trend e previsioni sul mercato della grande nautica da diporto
    Super Yacht 24
  • I terminal container in Italia: Un'analisi economico-finanziaria (formato pdf)

    Nel report vengono analizzate le performance economiche-finanziarie delle società di gestione dei principali terminal container italiani, oltre ad alcuni indicatori di efficienza quali ad esempio i Teu al metro quadro, o al metro lineare.
    Centro Studi Fedespedi
  • G20 Trade Policy Factbook (formato pdf)

    With Donald Trump's return to the White House, the trade and industrial policies of other G20 members will come under even more scrutiny. Our goal is to relate to key trade, industrial and security debates the 6,359 unilateral commercial policy interventions taken by G20 members since Leaders last met.
    Global Trade Alert
  • Aeroporti - Quaderni dell'efficienza enrgetica

    La pubblicazione dedicata al settore Aeroportuale Civile è il settimo volume della collana "Quaderni dell'Efficienza Energetica" realizzato da ENEA in collaborazione con ENAC (Ente Nazionale Aeroporti Civili) nell'ambito dell'Accordo di Programma per la Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico 2022-2024 finanziato dal Ministero della Transizione Ecologica (ora Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica).
  • Commodity Markets Outlook

    Over the last year, the economic effects of those outsized shocks have substantially abated, with global economic growth steadying and inflation moving toward targets.
    World Bank Group
  • Comunicato consumi petroliferi settembre 2024

    A settembre le vendite di prodotti petroliferi sono cresciute dello 0,9% (+42.000 tonnellate) rispetto a settembre 2023, sostenute ancora una volta dal buon andamento complessivo dei carburanti per la mobilità - che rappresentano il 79% del totale delle vendite.
  • Review of Maritime Transport 2024

    Maritime transport is the backbone of international trade and the global economy. Over 80% of the volume of international trade in goods is carried by sea, and the percentage is even higher for most developing countries
  • Economic Outlook (formato pdf)

    Quadrimestrale di informazione economica a cura del centro Studi Fedespedi
  • Global Trade Outlook and Statistic

    The October 2024 Update of the WTO's "Global Trade Outlook and Statistics" analyses recent global trade developments up to the second quarter of 2024 and presents the organization's updated forecasts for merchandise trade volume in 2024 and 2025. Developments in merchandise and commercial services trade in value terms are also shown, with breakdowns by sector and region.
    World Trade Organization
  • ITC Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport

    The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) adopted its Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport (ECE/TRANS/344, annex I) at its eight-sixth session (Geneva, 20-23 February 2024).
  • Osservatorio sulle tendenze della mobilità di passeggeri e merci (II trimestre 2024)

    Le analisi condotte e riportate nel presente documento sono state effettuate evitando, ove non strettamente necessario, qualsiasi forma di elaborazione dei dati, anche al fine di ridurre al minimo eventuali possibili interpretazioni soggettive dei risultati. Ci si è limitati ad una rappresentazione tramite figure e tabelle delle tendenze osservate, evitando commenti e/o interpretazioni soggettive.
    Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti
  • IUMI's 2024 analysis of the global marine insurance market (formato pdf)

    This report presents data on the global marine insurance market set in the context of world economic performance, trade and the shipping industry. We also offer commentary and opinion based on the data we have collected.
  • World Energy Outlook 2024

    The IEA's flagship World Energy Outlook, published every year, is the most authoritative global source of energy analysis and projections. It identifies and explores the biggest trends in energy demand and supply, as well as what they mean for energy security, emissions and economic development.
  • ITC Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport

    The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) adopted its Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport (ECE/TRANS/344, annex I) at its eight-sixth session (Geneva, 20-23 February 2024). The Strategy pronounces ITC's vision to take urgent action to assist its member States and Contracting Parties to United Nations legal instruments under its purview in achieving the aspirational goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions from inland transport by 2050.
  • The Ocean State Report 8: a reference for the ocean

    The OSR 8 is a flagship report, which provides a comprehensive overview of the current state, ongoing trends and natural variations of the ocean. It is published each year by the Copernicus Marine Service and implemented by Mercator Ocean International. Beyond highlighting major results, the Summary showcases a range of Ocean Monitoring Indicators which monitor trends and variations in the changing ocean.
  • Eurostat Regional Yearbook 2024 edition

    Statistical information is an important tool for understanding and quantifying the impact of political decisions in a specific territory or region. The Eurostat regional yearbook 2024 provides a detailed picture relating to a broad range of statistical topics across the regions of the EU Member States, as well as the regions of the EFTA and candidate countries.
  • Climate Action in Shipping. Progress towards Shipping's 2030 Breakthrough 2024

    The 2024 Climate Action in Shipping: Progress toward Shipping's 2030 Breakthrough is the third report in an annual series that reviews five 'system change levers' across the maritime value chain and ascertains whether actions across these levers are aligned - or are aligning - with what would be necessary to meet the 5-10% scalable zero emission fuel (SZEF) goal by 2030.
    Global Maritime Forum