
La presente sezione contiene una selezione di documenti di interesse del settore (approfondimenti, studi, ricerche, statistiche) liberamente accessibili.

Ricerca avanzata
  • Transport Legal 2025

    Al suo interno, oltre alla rubrica "Affari & Legali", 31 pagine di approfondimenti e contributi in materia di trasporti, logistica, yachting, shipping e cargo aereo a firma dei più importanti avvocati e studi legali italiani.
    Shipping Italy, Super Yacht 24, Air Cargo Italy, Supply Chain Italy
  • Il recente sviluppo delle energie rinnovabili in Italia

    Il lavoro analizza lo sviluppo delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili (FER) in Italia, con particolare riferimento a quella solare e all'eolica e agli obiettivi da raggiungere entro il 2030. Vengono fornite informazioni sulla localizzazione degli impianti e su quali fattori la influenzano; si esaminano le richieste di connessione per nuovi impianti e le principali implicazioni per la rete elettrica di trasmissione.
    Banca d'Italia
  • Currents of Change

    Held under the theme "Currents of Change", perhaps the biggest change revealed by the Global Maritime Forum Annual Summit 2024 was how far the shipping industry has advanced since the last time the event was held in Asia.
    Global Maritime Forum
  • Key Figures on European Transport 2024 Edition

    Key figures on European transport gives an up-to-date statistical overview of transport and links it to related domains. The publication generally provides annual data up to 2022 or 2023, depending on the mode of transport and the type of indicator
  • From Blind Spots to Insights: Enhancing Geopolitical Radar to Guide Global Business

    By shifting from a backward-looking, eventfocused understanding of geopolitical risks to a forward tracking of relevant dynamics, companies will be better placed to respond to challenges and seize opportunities.
    World Economic Forum
  • Financing the Energy Transition: Meeting a Rapidly Evolving Electricity Demand

    This report argues for a targeted, standardized approach to reducing the cost of financing and mitigating the risks of energy transition projects. Collaboration between investors, industry executives, policy-makers and financial institutions is essential.
    World Economic Forum
  • Rapporto ambientale sull'aviazione europea 2025

    Questo decennio si sta rivelando decisivo per affrontare i cambiamenti climatici. Nel 2023 e nel 2024 si sono registrati record di temperatura in tutto il mondo e conseguenti tendenze al cambiamento climatico che stanno trasformando il pianeta, e l'Europa si sta riscaldando più velocemente di qualsiasi altro continente.
    European Union Aviation Safety Agency
  • Great Powers, Geopolitics and the Future of Trade

    Less than a decade ago, the contours of international commerce were still being shaped by an ambitious freetrade system aimed at opening new markets for companies and workers. These days, geopolitics and economic security considerations are becoming the defining forces.
    Boston Consulting Group
  • Passenger and freight transport trends compared around the world

    Road freight transport has been steadily gaining ground on other inland transport modes in most countries, based on the latest update of ITF's Annual Trends in the Transport Sector data. A tenyear comparison reveals that 24 of the 27 countries reporting data saw a relative increase in road transport between 2013 and 2023.
    International Transport Forum
  • Indirizzi del Governo in materia spaziale e aerospaziale

    Gli indirizzi del Governo si concentrano su quattro assi principali: L'ampliamento della conoscenza e dei benefici per la società La crescita e la competitività dell'ecosistema industriale nazionale La definizione di un contesto regolatorio efficace L'individuazione di aree prioritarie per lo sviluppo di collaborazioni internazionali nel settore
    Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
  • Health Impacts of Lowcarbon Transport in Cities

    Transitioning to low-carbon transport reduces greenhouse gas emissions and also significantly improves public health, for example, by encouraging active mobility and lowering air pollution levels. These improvements contribute to decreased health-care expenditures, with the potential to balance investment costs in the long run.
    International Transport Forum
  • Road Safety Annual Report 2024

    The ITF Road Safety Annual Report 2024, which offers the latest road safety data, including preliminary data for the first semester of 2024, as well as a detailed analysis of the road safety developments in 2023.
    International Transport Forum
  • The future of sustainable trade

    The governance of sustainable trade is undergoing a major transformation. New due diligence measures are placing stricter requirements on businesses to ensure their supply chains do not harm people or the planet. These legally binding rules require companies to identify risks, take steps to prevent issues like deforestation or labor exploitation, and demonstrate compliance through audits and reporting.
  • Nuovi corridoi infrastrutturali: pronti, partenza, via?

    In un mondo in rapida evoluzione, diversi progetti relativi a nuovi corridoi commerciali stanno acquisendo particolare slancio, a dimostrazione di un pensiero politico ed economico innovativo.
  • Reorganizing global supply-chains: Who, What, How, and Where

    This paper is based on a survey of French firms on the decision to reorganize part of their value chain between January 2018 and December 2020, in order to study the prevalence and the modalities of such reorganizations. Such decision turn out to be rare, carried out by firms with a higher share of skilled workers, in manufacturing rather than in services, and dominated by multinational firms
    Paris School of Economics

    In 46 pagine tutto ciò che bisogna conoscere sulle spedizioni di carichi break bulk e di project cargo in Italia e nel mondo. Questo è il contenuto del nuovo inserto speciale "BREAK BULK ITALY - PROJECT CARGO ITALY".
    Shipping Italy
  • Waste shipment statistics

    This article reports the hazardous and non-hazardous waste exported by EU countries to other EU countries and to countries outside the EU. The data are analysed by the type of waste, the main destinations, waste treatments in the destination, as well as the EU country with the highest exported quantity for each waste category. There is also a special section analysing exports of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (also known as 'e-waste').
  • Electrifying road transport with less mining

    With the goal of mitigating global warming and reducing harmful air pollution, governments around the world have adopted policies to increase the share of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).
  • Race to Zero: European Heavy Duty Vehicle Market Development Quarterly (January - September 2024)

    Just under 2,900 zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) were sold in the third quarter of 2024: 700 heavy trucks (above 12 tonnes), 1,000 light and medium trucks (below 12 tonnes), and 1,200 buses.
  • Osservatorio delle filiere marittime. Presentazione del primo report

    L'Osservatorio delle filiere marittime del Friuli Venezia Giulia nasce, per intuizione di mareFVG, con lo scopo di supportare quella conoscenza capillare del settore che sfugge ai normali strumenti di analisi economica per la poliedrica dimensione dell'industria marittima.
    Maritime Technology Cluster FVG