Rassegna eventi

Selezione di eventi di interesse del settore, sia in Italia, sia all'estero. Potete segnalare i vostri eventi all'indirizzo:  [email protected]      

  • Il GNL come Carburante della Transizione: prospettive per il settore marittimo e terrestre, Roma

    Questo incontro rappresenta un'importante occasione per stimolare il dialogo sul ruolo strategico del Gas Naturale Liquefatto (#GNL) nella transizione energetica.
  • EU Maritime Skills Forum, Bruxelles - On line

    The Forum will bring together maritime stakeholders, policy makers, and the network of maritime education providers MET-NET to contribute to the development of a comprehensive and sustainable maritime skills strategy.
  • Assemblea Annuale Federlogistica, Roma

    Il prossimo 21 gennaio la sede di Confcommercio a Roma ospiterà l'assemblea annuale di Federlogistica che avrà per tema "Le logistiche intelligenti. Se l'intelligenza artificiale irrompe nel mondo della logistica".
  • World Cargo Summit 2025, Belgium

    After two virtual and two traditional World Cargo Summit events, we will now move to the heart of Europe. World Cargo Summit 2025 will be arranged in the coastal city of Ostend,West Flanders province, Belgium, hosted by Ostend-Bruges International Airport. Close to many major air cargo hubs in Europe such as London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Liège, Luxembourg, Cologne and Frankfurt.
  • III Edizione del Forum in tema di Shipping, Trasporti e Intermodalità, Rapallo

    Organizzato dal Propeller Club - Port of Genoa in stretta collaborazione con l'emittente televisiva Telenord.
  • World Maritime Forum, Copenhagen

    World Maritime Forum will be held at the beautiful AC Bella Sky Convention Center. Situated in the ideal location this venue will perfectly serve the industry for this event.
  • IATA World Cargo Symposium 2025, Dubai

    The World Cargo Symposium (WCS) is the largest and most prestigious air cargo annual event.
  • Transport Logistic, Munich

    International Exhibition for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management
  • 55th International Paris Air Show, Paris - Le Bourget

    International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget is the prime meeting place for the global aerospace industry. Each new edition promises to be a fascinating epic. From intrepid pioneers to cutting-edge technologies, this show is where innovation takes flight, dreams soar, and the future is shaped. Join us for a week of discoveries, partnerships, and bold experiences.